[R] Help with lattice, regressions and respective lines
Martin Henry H. Stevens
HStevens at MUOhio.edu
Mon Oct 17 12:26:13 CEST 2005
Hi Jose,
I am just beginning to plumb the depths of lattice, but perhaps my
recent experience can help.
I recently figured out (with encouragement from the list) how to plot
predicted values from a model into the appropriate panel. I am
certain that what I have done can be done better, but the following
appears to work for me.
Imagine the model
mod <- lm(Y ~ A + B)
where A is continuous and B is a factor.
I created a new function to use in the panel
panel.modfinal <- function(mod, x, y, subscripts, groups)
xfit <- seq(min(x), max(x), length=21)
b <- factor( rep(levels(mod$data$B), rep(21,4)) )
yfit <- predict(mod, newdata=data.frame(A=rep(xfit,4), B=b) )
[b==unique(groups[subscripts] ) ]
llines(xfit,yfit,lty=1) }
I then plot the data and the fitted lines with constant slope and
unique intercepts:
xyplot(Y ~ A | B, groups=B,
panel=function(x,y, subscripts,groups){
panel.modfinal(mod,x,y,subscripts,groups) } ).
"groups" seems to identify a variable that you want pass to a panel
or legend/key function, and subscripts seems to identify the rows
used in each panel.
I hope the above is correct and doesn't thereby mislead you, but it
seems to work for me.
Hank Stevens
On Oct 14, 2005, at 7:34 PM, Jose Claudio Faria wrote:
> # Dear R list,
> #
> # I'm needing help with lattice, regression and respective lines.
> # My data is below:
> bra = gl(2, 24, label = c('c', 's'))
> em = rep(gl(3, 8, label = c('po', 'pov', 'ce')), 2)
> tem = rep(c(0, 0, 30, 30, 60, 60, 90, 90), 6)
> tem2 = tem^2
> r = rep(1:2, 24)
> y = c(40.58, 44.85, 32.55, 35.68, 64.86, 51.95, 42.52, 52.21,
> 40.58, 44.85, 33.46, 46.09, 12.75, 18.01, 16.82, 13.69,
> 40.58, 44.85, 34.45, 29.89, 34.91, 28.10, 27.52, 22.24,
> 48.68, 47.25, 45.58, 45.33, 41.03, 51.20, 45.85, 54.45,
> 48.68, 47.25, 19.88, 19.67, 16.20, 13.49, 13.75, 18.80,
> 48.68, 47.25, 42.19, 39.91, 34.69, 34.11, 32.74, 34.24)
> Df = data.frame(bra, em, tem, tem2, r, y)
> # Regressions
> attach(Df)
> Dfs1=subset(Df, (bra=='s' & em=='pov'), select=c(bra, em, tem,
> tem2, r, y))
> Dfs1
> rlin1=lm(y ~ tem + tem2, data=Dfs1)
> summary(rlin1)
> Dfs2=subset(Df, (bra=='s' & em=='po'), select=c(bra, em, tem, r,
> y))
> Dfs2
> rlin2=lm(y ~ tem, data=Dfs2)
> summary(rlin2)
> Dfs3=subset(Df, (bra=='s' & em=='ce'), select=c(bra, em, tem,
> tem2, r, y))
> Dfs3
> rlin3=lm(y ~ tem + tem2, data=Dfs3)
> summary(rlin3)
> detach(Df)
> # I would like to plot with lattice 'y ~ tem | em',
> # with the panels ('po', 'pov' and 'ce'),
> # and the its respective regressions lines:
> # a) linear for panel 'po' or better, without line;
> # b) quadratic for 'pov' and 'ce'
> # Is it possible? Could somebody hel me?
> # I'm trying:
> library(lattice)
> attach(Df)
> Dfs=subset(Df, bra=='s', select=c(bra, em, tem, y))
> Dfs
> xyplot(y ~ tem | em,
> data = Dfs, ylim=c(10, 60), xlim=c(-10, 110),
> ylab='y', xlab='Time, days',
> layout = c(3,1))
> detach(Df)
> TIA,
> --
> Jose Claudio Faria
> Brasil/Bahia/UESC/DCET
> Estatistica Experimental/Prof. Adjunto
> mails:
> joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br
> jc_faria at uesc.br
> jc_faria at uol.com.br
> tel: 73-3634.2779
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Dr. Martin Henry H. Stevens, Assistant Professor
338 Pearson Hall
Botany Department
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056
Office: (513) 529-4206
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FAX: (513) 529-4243
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