[R] aggregate slow with many rows - alternative?

Hans-Peter gchappi at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 21:14:24 CEST 2005


I use the code below to aggregate / cnt my test data. It works fine,
but the problem is with my real data (33'000 rows) where the function
is really slow (nothing happened in half an hour).

Does anybody know of other functions that I could use?


dat <- data.frame( Datum  = c( 32586, 32587, 32587, 32625, 32656,
32656, 32656, 32672, 32672, 32699 ),
              FischerID = c( 58395, 58395, 58395, 88434, 89953, 89953,
89953, 64395, 62896, 62870 ),
              Anzahl = c( 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 7, 1, 1, 2 ) )
f <- function(x) data.frame( Datum = x[1,1], FischerID = x[1,2],
Anzahl = sum( x[,3] ), Cnt = dim( x )[1] )
t.a <- do.call("rbind", by(dat, dat[,1:2], f))   # slow for 33'000 rows
t.a <- t.a[order( t.a[,1], t.a[,2] ),]

  # show data

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