[R] R.app window size

Paul Roebuck roebuck at wotan.mdacc.tmc.edu
Mon Oct 10 17:26:41 CEST 2005

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Jason Horn wrote:

> This is a question for any of you who use R.app (OS X).  Is there any
> way to resize the quartz plot window from within R?  I know that you
> can resize the window by dragging the corner of the window, and fro
> the preferences panel.  But is there a way to specify the window size
> from the console?  I want to specify the size of the plot window from
> inside an R function.

You had a problem with the width & height arguments?
Probably best to use device independent method for scripting.

    grdev <- function(...) {

    grdev(width = 7.8, height = 5.8)
    #quartz(width = 7.8, height = 5.8)

SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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