[R] returning a modified fix()-ed dataframe

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Fri Oct 7 19:55:38 CEST 2005

Adrian DUSA wrote:
> Dear all,
> In order to ease the transition from SPSS to R for some of my colleagues, I am 
> trying to create a function which would show the variables and their labels 
> (if those exist), using function "label" in package Hmisc.
> A toy example would be this:
> my.data <- data.frame(age=c(24,35,28), gender=c("Male", "Female", "Male"))
> require(Hmisc)
> label(my.data$age) <- "Respondent's age"
> label(my.data$gender) <- "Responent's gender"
> variables <- function(x) {
>         dataf <- data.frame(variable=NA, label=NA)
>         varlab <- NA
>         for (i in 1:length(names(x))) {
>                 dataf[i,1] <- names(x)[i]
>                 dataf[i,2] <- label(x[,i])
>                 varlab[i] <- label(x[,i])
>         }
>         fix(dataf)
>         # I assume this would return a modified dataf
>         for (i in which(varlab != dataf[,2])) {
>                 label(x[,i]) <- dataf[i,2]
>         }
> }
> Now, say during fix() one modified "Responent's gender" into "Respondent's 
> gender" (the previous missed a "d"). The trouble I'm having is to return the 
> modified object, with the modified labels. It should be easy, I feel it, but 
> I just can't get it.
> Thank you in advance,
> Adrian

Hi, Adrian,

You need to assign "fix(dataf)" to something:

my.data <- data.frame(age=c(24,35,28), gender=c("Male", "Female", "Male"))
label(my.data$age) <- "Respondent's age"
label(my.data$gender) <- "Responent's gender"

variables <- function(x) {
   dataf <- data.frame(variable=NA, label=NA)
   varlab <- NA
   for (i in 1:length(names(x))) {
     dataf[i,1] <- names(x)[i]
     dataf[i,2] <- label(x[,i])
     varlab[i] <- label(x[,i])
   dataf <- fix(dataf)
   # I assume this would return a modified dataf
   for (i in which(varlab != dataf[,2])) {
     label(x[,i]) <- dataf[i,2]
   # don't forget to return dataf




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