[R] lmList error message

Hai Lin kevinvol2002 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 4 17:26:31 CEST 2005

It seems a problem sending this out. I am resending

Hello Rs,

After running lmList, I've gotten an error message
"Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok =
singular.ok, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function
call (arg 4)"  I'm not able to understand what it
means.  Could anyone help me with it?  

Thanks all in advance.


### commands and output ###

lm.S <- lmList(Log2CM ~~ Strain | reporterID,
data=data.tall, pool=F)

> length(levels(data.tall$reporterID))
[1] 6513

> levels(data.tall$Strain)
[1] "WT" "KO"

Log2CM reporterID Strain
3.430192973 IMAGE:1260690 KO
6.420003752 IMAGE:481703 KO
-2.135514971 IMAGE:1432976 KO
-2.321928095 IMAGE:959862 KO
1.370837695 IMAGE:1038124 KO
1.063264893 IMAGE:519411 KO
2.378511623 IMAGE:2101947 KO
-0.688055994 IMAGE:1260374 KO
1.389946518 IMAGE:522799 KO
-0.565199246 IMAGE:480815 KO
0.979962247 IMAGE:1430827 KO
-2.273018494 IMAGE:658095 KO
1.581642142 IMAGE:314290 KO
-0.857980995 IMAGE:1478681 KO
-1.894506871 IMAGE:1260277 KO
-0.804869659 IMAGE:480596 KO
-1.451988635 IMAGE:652861 KO
6.208242769 IMAGE:1038010 KO
5.951626379 IMAGE:519074 KO
-0.237394585 IMAGE:960834 KO

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