[R] Getting eps into Word documents.

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk
Mon Oct 3 23:00:23 CEST 2005

Rolf (& Marc)

On 03-Oct-05 Marc Schwartz (via MN) wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 16:31 -0300, Rolf Turner wrote:
>> A student in one of my courses has asked me about getting R graphics
>> output (under Linux) into a Word document.  I.e. she wants to do her
>> R thing under Linux, but then do her word processing using Word.
>> Scanning around the r-help archives I encountered an inquiry about
>> this topic --- eps into Word documents --- from Paul Johnson but
>> found no replies to it.  I tried contacting him but the email address
>> in the archives appeared not to be valid.  Does anyone know a
>> satisfactory solution to the problem of including a graphic which
>> exists in the form of a *.eps (encapsulated postscript) file into a
>> Word document.  If so, would you be willing to share it with me and
>> my student?
>> If so, please be gentle in your explanation.  I am not myself (repeat
>> ***NOT***) a user of Word!
> Hehe...  :-)
> Rolf, just use the guidance provided in ?postscript. In the details
> section it indicates:
>      The postscript produced by R is EPS (_Encapsulated PostScript_)
>      compatible, and can be included into other documents, e.g., into
>      LaTeX, using '\includegraphics{<filename>}'.  For use in this way
>      you will probably want to set 'horizontal = FALSE, onefile =
>      FALSE, paper = "special"'.
> So use something like the following:
> postscript("RPlot.eps", height = 4, width = 4, 
>            horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE,
>            paper = "special")
> plot(1:5)
> dev.off()
> You can then import the .eps file into Word or most other such
> applications that can import encapsulated postscript files.
> The recent versions of Word will also automatically generate a
> bitmapped preview of the plot upon import.  BTW, OO.org 2.0,
> which is in late beta testing now, also generates EPS preview
> images upon import.
> The key to doing this successfully is using the arguments to
> postscript() as defined above. I have never had a problem with this.
> More information is available from MS here:
> http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=290362
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz

This suggestion could be problematic in that

a) According to the MS web site above, it applies to recent Word
   (Office 2002/2003) or possibly earlier "depending on installed
   graphics filters".

b) It won't work anyway if printed to a non-PostScript printer.

If either of these applies to Rolf's student, she could have problems.

[Just to add my own "disclaimer": the only version of Word I'm in
any position to ever touch, and then only if driven to, belongs
to Office 98; and I'm sure that this doesn't know a thing about

Another option to consider, since she's doing her R work on Linux,
is that recent versions of the ImageMagick program 'convert' have
the capability to convert EPS into WMF (Windows Metafile; use
file extension ".wmf" for 'convert') or EMF (Enhanced Metafile);
use file extension ".emf". The gubbins is built in to a file
"wmf.so" in the lib/ImageMagick tree.

Likewise, the program 'pstoedit' can do it (to ".wmf" or ".emf"),
using library /usr/local/lib/pstoedit/libp2edrvwmf.so (on my machine).

Most Linux distributions these days come with ImageMagick and
pstoedit. If not already installed in the machine she's using it
should be straightforward to get this dome.

Hoping this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 03-Oct-05                                       Time: 22:00:11
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