[R] Size of jpegs/pngs

stgries@arcor.de stgries at arcor.de
Sun Oct 2 16:46:43 CEST 2005

Dear all

I have trouble with setting the size for jpegs and pngs. I need to save a dendrogram of 1000 words into a jpeg or png file. On one of my computers, the following works just fine: 

bb<-agnes(aa, method="ward")
jpeg("C:/Temp/test.txt", width=17000, height=2000)

On my main computer, however, this doesn't work:
> jpeg("C:/Temp/test.txt", width=17000, height=2000)
Error in jpeg("C:/Temp/test.txt", width = 17000, height = 2000) : 
        unable to start device devWindows
In addition: Warning message:
Unable to allocate bitmap 

This is a Windows XP Pro SP2 system, which is started with this chsort
> R.version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386           
os       mingw32        
system   i386, mingw32  
major    2              
minor    1.1            
year     2005           
month    06             
day      20             
language R  

which is started with a shortcut.
"C:\rw2011\bin\Rgui.exe --max-mem-size=1500M"

I checked the web and the R-help pages, tried out the ppsize option, and compared the options settings with those of the machine that works (which actually runs R 2.0.1 of 15 Nov 2004), but couldn't come up with an explanation. Any idea what I do wrong?
Stefan Th. Gries
Max Planck Inst. for Evol. Anthropology

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