[R] odesolve with banded Jacobian [was "no subject"]
Setzer.Woodrow at epamail.epa.gov
Mon Nov 21 16:38:18 CET 2005
Dear Karline Soetaert,
I've just returned from a week of travel, so have not had a great deal
of time to look at your request. From a brief rereading of the original
lsoda documentation, it looks as if all I need to do is set a flag to a
different value (jt to 4), and leave it up to the user to construct the
function that calculates the jacobian properly. If you'd contact me
directly, ideally with a test model, I will see if the modification is
really that simple; if so, I'll make the change and release an updated
odesolve to CRAN.
PS: Thanks, Martin
R. Woodrow Setzer, Jr.
National Center for Computational Toxicology
US Environmental Protection Agency
Mail Drop B205-01/US EPA/RTP, NC 27711
Ph: (919) 541-0128 Fax: (919) 541-1194
Martin Maechler
<maechler at stat.m
ath.ethz.ch> To
"Soetaert, Karline"
11/14/2005 09:46 <K.Soetaert at nioo.knaw.nl>
AM cc
R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch, Woodrow
Please respond Subject
to Re: [R] odesolve with banded
Martin Maechler Jacobian [was "no subject"]
<maechler at stat.m
>>>>> "KSoet" == Soetaert, Karline <K.Soetaert at nioo.knaw.nl>
>>>>> on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 13:20:24 +0100 writes:
KSoet> Hi, I am trying to solve a model that consists of
KSoet> rather stiff ODEs in R.
KSoet> I use the package ODEsolve (lsoda) to solve these
KSoet> ODEs.
KSoet> To speed up the integration, the jacobian is also
KSoet> specified.
KSoet> Basically, the model is a one-dimensional
KSoet> advection-diffusion problem, and thus the jacobian is
KSoet> a tridiagonal matrix.
KSoet> The size of this jacobian is 100*100.
KSoet> In the original package LSODA it is possible to
KSoet> specify that the jacobian is banded, which makes its
KSoet> inversion very efficient.
KSoet> However, this feature seems to have been removed in
KSoet> the R version.
KSoet> Is there a way to overcome this limitation?
Yes. But probably not a very easy one; maybe even a very
cumbersome one... ;-)
Note however that questions like these should typically be
addressed at the package author - which you can always quickly
find out via
> packageDescription("odesolve")
Package: odesolve
Version: 0.5-12
Date: 2004/10/25
Title: Solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations
Author: R. Woodrow Setzer <setzer.woodrow at epa.gov>
Maintainer: R. Woodrow Setzer <setzer.woodrow at epa.gov>
Depends: R (>= 1.4.0)
Description: This package provides an interface for the ODE solver
lsoda. ODEs are expressed as R functions or as compiled
I've CC'ed this e-mail to Woodrow to help you for once
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Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
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