[R] Fitdistr()

Vito Ricci vito_ricci at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 17 13:08:50 CET 2005


values in parentesis below the estimate of a parameter
is the standard deviation of parameter, that's a
measure of variability.



>  set.seed(123)
>      x <- rgamma(100, shape = 5, rate = 0.1)
>      fitdistr(x, "gamma")
     shape         rate   
  6.45947303   0.13593172 
 (0.89052006) (0.01948648)
   ^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^^

From: Mark Miller <mmiller <at> nassp.uct.ac.za>
Subject: [R] Fitdistr()
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.r.general
Date: 2005-11-17 07:58:10 GMT (4 hours and 2 minutes

When using fitdistr() with the exponential, log-normal
and beta distributions, 
you get the relevent rate, mean, standard deviation,
shape1 and shape2 but 
you get a number bellow those that are in () and I was
wandering what exactly 
those numbers represent and how they relate to the

Many thanks
Mark Miller

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