[R] changing the value of a variable from inside a function

Michael Wolosin msw10 at duke.edu
Tue Nov 15 18:22:15 CET 2005

All -

I am trying to write R code to implement a recursive algorithm.  I've 
solved the problem in a klunky way that works, but uses  more memory and 
computing time than it should.

A more elegant solution than my current one would require updating the 
values of a variable that is located in what I will call the "root" 
environment - that environment from which the original call to the 
recursive function was issued.  Certainly, I could pass the variable into 
the function, update it inside, and return it.  However, the variable I am 
updating is a large matrix, and the recursion could end up several hundred 
levels deep.  Passing the matrix around would create a copy in the 
environment for each call, wasting memory, time, and space.

I've read the help on the "sys.{}" family of functions, and "eval", and 
although I can't claim to have absorbed it all, it seems like it is much 
easier to access the value of a variable in a parent frame than it is to 
update that value with assignment.
If you make an assignment inside a function, even if it is to a section of 
a variable that exists in a parent frame, the variable is only created or 
updated in the current environment - never in the parent frame.

For example:

test <- matrix(NA,nrow=4,ncol=3)
test[1,] <- c(1,2,3)
blah <- function(i){
   test[i,] <- c(0,1,2) + i

So the real question is, how do I write the function like "blah" above that 
updates "test" in the parent or root frame?

blah <- function(i){
   test[i,] <- c(1,2,3) + i  #modify this line somehow
If done "correctly", we will get:
 > blah(2)
 > test
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,]    1    2    3
  [2,]    2    3    4
  [3,]   NA   NA   NA
  [4,]   NA   NA   NA

And given an example that works from within a single function call, does it 
have to be modified to work recursively?

blah <- function(i){
   if (i<4) {blah(i + 1)}
   test[i,] <- c(0,1,2) + i  #modify this line somehow
If written "correctly", the following would be the output:
 > blah(2)
 > test
       [,1] [,2] [,3]
  [1,]    1    2    3
  [2,]    2    3    4
  [3,]    3    4    5
  [4,]    4    5    6

One idea would be to write out to a file.  The filename could reside in the 
root environment, and that is all that is needed.  But  this also seems 
inelegant (and slow).  If I can read and write to a file, I should be able 
to read and write to a memory location.

I suspect that the solution lies somewhere in the "sys" functions, but I 
was having trouble seeing it.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


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