[R] Specify Z matrix with lmer function

Mark Lyman mlyman at byu.edu
Thu Nov 3 19:05:03 CET 2005

Is there a way to specify a Z matrix using the lmer function, where the 
model is written as y = X*Beta + Z*u + e?

I am trying to reproduce smoothing methods illustrated in the paper 
"Smoothing with Mixed Model Software" my Long Ngo and M.P. Wand. 
published in the /Journal of Statistical Software/ in 2004 using the 
lme4 and Matrix packages. The code and data sets used can be found at 

There original code did  not work for me without slight modifications 
here is the code that I used with my modifications noted.

x <- fossil$age
y <- 100000*fossil$strontium.ratio
knots <- seq(94,121,length=25)
n <- length(x)
X <- cbind(rep(1,n),x)
Z <- outer(x,knots,"-")
Z <- Z*(Z>0)
# I had to create the groupedData object with one group to fit the model 
I wanted
grp <- rep(1,n)
fit <- lme(y~-1+X,random=pdIdent(~-1+Z),data=grp.dat)

I would like to know how I could fit this same model using the lmer 
function. Specifically can I specify a Z matrix in the same way as I do 
above in lme?


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