[R] Error on read.table

Lars G. Johnsen lars.johnsen at lili.uib.no
Tue Nov 1 20:36:19 CET 2005


When trying to read a table from excel, the generated error message is not  
documented in the "R data import" document:

    > v2 <- read.table("v2-101-405-excel.txt", header=T,row.names=0)
    Error in read.table("v2-101-405-excel.txt", header = T, row.names = 0) :
            attempt to select less than one element

How do I proceed to resolve this problem?


Here are the first three out of around 500 rows in the file (missing data  
in Target.RESP col is marked as NA):

Subject	Sex	Age	Gruppe	Type	Target.CRESP	Target.RESP	Target.RT	Prime.OnsetTime	Target.OnsetTime	Ordning	Ident
101	female	22	7	t	0	0	1520	155074	158497	101	145
101	female	22	9	o	0	1	3020	161678	166005	102	160

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