[R] percent rank by an index key?

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Tue Nov 1 18:25:57 CET 2005

t c wrote:
> What is the easiest way to calculate a percent rank “by” an index key?
> Foe example, I have a dataset with 3 fields:
> Year,    State,   Income ,
> I wish to calculate the rank, by year, by state.
> I also wish to calculate the “percent rank”, where I define percent rank as rank/n.
> (n is the number of numeric data points within each date-state grouping.)
> This is what I am currently doing:
> 1.  I create a “group by” field by using the paste function to combine date and state into a field called date_state.   I then use the rank function to calculate the rank by date, by state. 
> 2. I then add a field called “one” that I set to 1 if the value in income is numeric and to 0 if it is not.
> 3. I then take an aggregate sum of “one”.  This gives me a count (n) for each date-state grouping.
> 4. I next use merge to add this count to the table.
> 5. Finally, I calculate the percent rank.
> Pr<-rank/n
> The merge takes quite a bit of time to process. 
> Is there an easier/more efficient way to calculate the percent rank?

How about using ?by:

# fake data set, replace with your own
# "Subject" is just a dummy to produce replicates
x <- expand.grid(Year = 2000:2005,
                  State = c("TX", "AL"),
                  Subject = 1:10)
x$Income <- floor(runif(NROW(x)) * 100000)

r <- by(x$Income, x[c("Year", "State")],
         function(x) {
           r <- rank(x)
           n <- length(x)
           cbind(Rank = r, PRank = r/n)
x <- cbind(x, do.call("rbind", r))



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