[R] [DEM01 WD/MV: Virus!]

DEM01_WatchDog_Demon@de.ey.com DEM01_WatchDog_Demon at de.ey.com
Tue May 31 14:59:33 CEST 2005

GROUP securiQ.Watchdog
Server: DEM01

This mail item contained attachments which were  virus-infected.
 The attachment(s) has/have been removed and were NOT sent on.

Please update your ANTVIRUS program and virus-check your computer and the
attachment(s)  before re-sending it.

In case of problems reply to IT SERVICES at EY-DE.


From:              r-help at lists.r-project.org @ EY-DE
To:                benedetta.bellocchio at de.ey.com
Rec.: CN=Benedetta Bellocchio/OU=TAX/O=EY-DE/C=DE
Date:              05/31/2005 02:59:23 PM
Subject:           hello

file contains virus:                    document05.zip

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