[R] image() and non-well-ordered colours
Paul Murrell
p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz
Wed May 25 00:52:07 CEST 2005
Robin Hankin wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to use image() with colours that are indexed by two variables.
> Indexing by one variable is easy:
> library(colorspace)
> x <- seq(from=0, to=1,len=30)
> z <- outer(x,1i*x,"+")
> image(Re(z),col=hcl(seq(from=0,to=100,len=15),c=100))
> OK, so far so good. Now, I want the colour to be a more complicated
> function
> of z, in which both the hue and luminance change (thus the colours cannot
> be ordered):
> f <- function(z){hcl(h=100*Re(z),l=100*Im(z))}
> I want to draw z in terms of the colour defined by f():
> image(z,col=f)
> image(f(z))
> but these don't work as intended. How do I use image() to get what I want?
> I can get close using plot():
> x <- runif(1000)
> y <- (1:1000)/10
> g <- function(x){hcl(h=80*x,l=(1:1000)/10,c=300)}
> plot(x,y,col=g(x),pch=16)
> [note that one cannot draw nontrivial "contour lines" joining points of
> identical colours on this
> plot: top left to lower right goes from pink to black; top right to low
> left goes from yellow to reddy orange]
> It'd be nice to make image() do what I want. Anyone?
How about a brute-force approach using rect() ... ?
x <- seq(from=0, to=1,len=30)
z <- outer(x,1i*x,"+")
f <- function(z){hcl(h=100*Re(z),l=100*Im(z))}
plot(x, x, type="n")
step <- diff(x)[1]/2
xmid <- rep(x, 30)
ymid <- rep(x, each=30)
rect(xmid - step, ymid - step,
xmid + step, ymid + step,
col=f(z), border=NA)
Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz
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