[R] error in plot.lmList
Arne.Muller at sanofi-aventis.com
Fri May 13 13:07:25 CEST 2005
in R-2.1.0 I'm trying to prodice trellis plots from an lmList object as described in the help for plot.lmList. I can generate the plots from the help, but on my own data plotting fails with an error message that I cannot interpret (please see below). Any hints are greatly appreciapted.
kind regards,
> dim(d)
[1] 575 4
> d[1:3,]
Level_of_Expression SSPos1 SSPos19 Method
1 11.9 G A bDNA
2 24.7 T T bDNA
3 9.8 C T bDNA
> fm <- lmList(Level_of_Expression ~ SSPos1 + SSPos19 | Method, data=d)
> fm
Model: Level_of_Expression ~ SSPos1 + SSPos19 | Method
Data: d
(Intercept) SSPos1C SSPos1G SSPos1T SSPos19C SSPos19G SSPos19T
bDNA 25.75211 -6.379701 -9.193304 10.371056 24.32171 24.06107 9.7357724
Luciferase 23.79947 4.905679 -7.747861 8.112779 48.95151 48.15064 -0.2646783
RT-PCR 56.08985 -7.352206 -15.896556 -2.712313 19.91967 24.28425 -2.2317071
Western 14.03876 2.777038 -14.113157 -7.804959 24.62684 25.50382 8.3864782
Degrees of freedom: 575 total; 547 residual
Residual standard error: 25.39981
> plot(fm, Level_of_Expression ~ fitted(.))
Error in plot.lmList(fm, Level_of_Expression ~ fitted(.)) :
Object "cF" not found
what is object cF ...?
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