[R] DEV2bitmap: jpeg with res=400 not enough for CORELDRAW poster A0
Jan Verbesselt
Jan.Verbesselt at biw.kuleuven.be
Fri May 13 11:55:06 CEST 2005
Dear all,
When saving a plot with the dev2bitmap command:
name <- c("test.jpeg")
Everything seems to be ok... After importing this picture in CORELDRAW (for
a poster A0) format the resolution and colors are not optimal.
How can I save pictures (colors/resolution) optimally for import into
CorelDraw for an A0 poster?
ir. Jan Verbesselt
Research Associate
Lab of Geomatics Engineering K.U. Leuven
Vital Decosterstraat 102. B-3000 Leuven Belgium
Tel: +32-16-329750 Fax: +32-16-329760
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