[R] R2.1.0: Bug in list.files
Romain Francois
francoisromain at free.fr
Thu May 12 10:49:04 CEST 2005
Le 12.05.2005 10:30, Steve Roberts a écrit :
>R2.0.1 (MS Windows)
>[1] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/gnlm_0.1.zip"
>[2] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/lms2_0.2.zip"
>Error in list.files(path, pattern, all.files, full.names, recursive) :
> invalid 'pattern' regular expression
>Bug? or have I missed something
That has something to do with regexpr, try someting like :
> list.files(myloc,"\\\\*.zip",full=T)
> Dr Steve Roberts
> steve.roberts at manchester.ac.uk
>Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics,
>CMMCH NHS Trust and University of Manchester Biostatistics Group,
>0161 275 5192/5764 / 0161 276 5785
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