[R] lattice xyplot() postscript (?) problem in R 2.0.0

Gerrit Eichner Gerrit.Eichner at math.uni-giessen.de
Tue Mar 22 06:59:08 CET 2005

Dear all,

I work with R Version 2.0.0 on
Machine hardware:   sun4u
OS version:         5.9
Processor type:     sparc
Hardware:           SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000

and I have a very simple data frame (called OR) with the following 
> sapply( OR, class)
         X        ci      FTyp
  "factor" "numeric"  "factor"

(In OR$ci there are some Inf-values. OR's complete contents are appended 

If I do

> library( lattice)
> xyplot( X ~ ci | FTyp, data= OR)

the requested trellis plot appears and everything is fine. BUT, if I want 
to produce this plot in a postscript file a very strange and reproducible 
error ocurs:

> postscript( "OR.ps")
> xyplot( X ~ ci | FTyp, data= OR)
Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, pos.heights[[nm]], value = numeric(0)) :
         nothing to replace with

This procedure -- applied to this very data frame -- did work fine 
previously, i.e., when I used R 1.9.1. (traceback() didn't help me 
tracking the problem further down.)
I have the impression that it fails since I've started using R 2.0.0. 
Could this be a version related problem? Any ideas?

Thanks for any help!

  Best regards  --  Gerrit

PS: Here are the contents of data frame OR:

> OR
    X     ci FTyp
1  a 0.0000    A
2  a 0.0000    A
3  a    Inf    A
4  a 1.1158    B
5  a 0.2578    B
6  a    Inf    B
7  b 0.6568    A
8  b 0.0159    A
9  b    Inf    A
10 b 0.1051    B
11 b 0.0164    B
12 b    Inf    B
13 c    Inf    A
14 c 0.2217    A
15 c    Inf    A
16 c 9.2356    B
17 c 1.7123    B
18 c    Inf    B
19 d 0.4140    A
20 d 0.0099    A
21 d    Inf    A
22 d 1.7827    B
23 d 0.3606    B
24 d    Inf    B

AR Dr. Gerrit Eichner                            Mathematical Institute
gerrit.eichner at math.uni-giessen.de     Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32104            Arndtstr. 2, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Fax: +49-(0)641-99-32029      http://www.math.uni-giessen.de/Stochastik

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