[R] anomalous result for wilcox.exact in exactRankTests

Roger Levy rog at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 21 06:21:49 CET 2005


In the exactRankTest package, I've become aware that you can get
anomalous p-values (i.e., above 1) from the wilcox.exact method, as in:

  > wilcox.exact(c(-0.6,0.8,-0.5))

        Exact Wilcoxon signed rank test

  data:  c(-0.6, 0.8, -0.5) 
  V = 3, p-value = 1.25
  alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0 

This is disturbing.  Has anyone encountered this before, and if so is
there an obvious reason why this should happen?



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