[R] simple problem, but not for me

alexbri alexbri at netcabo.pt
Sat Mar 19 18:03:40 CET 2005

Hello, I'm new in R and I want to do one thing that is very easy in excel, however, I cant do it in R.

Suppose we have the data frame:


data<- data.frame(A=c("a1","a2","a3","a4","a5"))


I need to obtain another column in the same data frame (lets say B=c(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5) in the following way:








a1..a5 and b1...b5 are always numeric values


(this is just an example, what I really want is apply this kind of formula to a much larger data frame)


I think this is easy for those who are used to work in R (and I suppose there are many different ways), but I can make it in this moment, because I cannot leave behind, the "excel thinking way".

I hope you understand my problem and please, help me soon. 




alexbri at netcabo.pt

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