[R] Basic questions about RMySQL

De la Vega Góngora Jorge jvega at banxico.org.mx
Fri Mar 18 17:57:58 CET 2005


Please forget me if I am asking something that is well documented. I have read documentation but there are points that are not clear for me. I am not expert in R nor Databases, but if someone direct me to a tutorial, I will appreciate it..

 1. In my understanding, I can install and use RMySQL withouth having to install MySQL in my PC, to have access to and to create new tables . Is this right? 

 2. I have created a c:\my.cnf file to access a database I have, but withouth installing the server, where I can define the user, password and host to establish a connection?

Thanks in advance

Jorge de la Vega Gongora             | Telefono: (525) 5268 8379
Investigador                         | Fax:      (525) 5268 8481
Banco de Mexico                      | email:  jvega at banxico.org.mx
Planeación y Programación de Emisión | web:    http://www.stat.umn.edu/~jvega
Calzada Legaria 691 Módulo IV        |
Col. Irrigación 11500                |

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