[R] Adobe Reader V7.0 for Unix/Linux Available

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Wed Mar 16 01:02:09 CET 2005

Just as a heads up to the community, Adobe has released version 7.0 of
the free stand-alone PDF Reader for Unix/Linux platforms.

There was a post on the Fedora list today and there is an article at:


The links for downloading are:

# Binary installer

# i386 RPM

Presently, it is only available in English and it is still "closed
source", even though free of charge. The downloads are about 40Mb.

There are no links yet on the main Adobe page for this version and the
normal Adobe download process as of this e-mail still shows version 5 as
the most recent available for Unix/Linux platforms. This appears to be a
"quiet" release so far.

Major changes include a GTK2 based UI rather than Motif, support for PDF
v1.6, inclusion of some additional fonts and other features that bring
it more in line with version 7 for other platforms.

I have replaced my former v5 here and it seems to work quite well so
far. For those using RPM based systems, you will need to remove the old
version if installed via RPM, as the new RPM will conflict with the
older version. The RPM will install to /usr/local/Adobe.


Marc Schwartz

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