[R] Using RCC (R to C Compiler)

Aleš Žiberna ales.ziberna at guest.arnes.si
Wed Mar 9 09:24:06 CET 2005


I would like to know if anyone has any experience in using RCC (R to C
Compiler) [http://hipersoft.cs.rice.edu/rcc/index.html].

I thing I have successfully compiled both RCC and R 1.9.0 following the 
instructions on the RCC web site. However, I have no idea how to actually 
use it.

I found no instructions either on the web page or the authors master's 
thesis. I have also tried to contact the author, however, I got no reply.

Therefore I would be very grateful for any information on how to actually 
use RCC.

Thank you in advance!

Ales Ziberna

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