[R] How can we ring a bell in Windows?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Mar 7 18:11:09 CET 2005

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 00:31:07 +0800 (CST), Lu Joseph
<c_joseph_lu at yahoo.com.tw> wrote :

>Hello useRs,
>Is there a way to write code in R
>to ring a bell in Windows?

If you load the tcltk package, then


will get you a bell on more platforms than just Windows.  If you don't
want to use tcltk, then you could call the Windows API function
MessageBeep from some C code, but I don't think we have a "bell" or
"beep" function in the standard R packages.

Duncan Murdoch

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