[R] Rconsole wishlist

Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen kjetil at acelerate.com
Fri Mar 4 06:02:33 CET 2005

Duncan Mackay wrote:

>Sorry, yes, Rgui under WinXP (SP2). But while Windows date stamps the
>history file
>          size isdir mode               mtime               ctime
>.Rhistory 5377 FALSE  666 2005-03-04 10:37:52 2005-03-04 10:37:52
>                        atime
>.Rhistory 2005-03-04 13:54:11
>the problem is that there can be multiple sessions stored in .Rhistory and
>the session dates aren't stored there. Moreover, it seems to me that the
>history buffer can also overflow without warning after long sessions or many
>repeated sessions and so that you can inadvertently lose parts of your
>command log.
Yes. But you can define an environment variable R_HISTSIZE (or some 
similar name, do a
R site search to find. Not defined on my machine now. That should really 
be in the help file for
savehistory()) to avoid the problem.

> (Is this right, anyone?) Perhaps it would be preferable for R
>to save each session's command history in a separate history file, along the
>lines of 
NO. it is better to have just one file as now.


>.Last <- function() {
>savefilename <- paste("Rhistory",date())
>savefilename <- gsub(" ","_",savefilename)
>savefilename <- gsub(":",".",savefilename)
>savefilename <- paste(savefilename,".txt",sep="")
>if(interactive())  try(savehistory(savefilename))
>cat("Current history saved in file: ",savefilename,"\n")
>but this doesn't address any overflow issues.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Liaw, Andy [mailto:andy_liaw at merck.com] 
>Sent: Friday, 4 March 2005 11:14 AM
>To: 'Duncan Mackay'; R-news
>Subject: RE: [R] Rconsole wishlist
>I'm guessing you're talking about Rgui on Windows, but please don't leave us
>If you run R under Ess/(X)Emacs, you have the entire session that can be
>saved in a (transcript) file.
>Does your OS not put date stamps on file?
>          size isdir mode               mtime               ctime
>.Rhistory 1025 FALSE  666 2005-03-03 19:27:31 2004-08-13 10:45:09
>                        atime
>.Rhistory 2005-03-03 19:27:31
>>From: Duncan Mackay
>>Hi all,
>>Wouldn't it be nice (??!!) if R automatically issued a
>>warning message when
>>the R console buffer was about to fill so that you could save all your
>>output into a text file? (I know about sink(), but I think it 
>>would be good
>>to have an easier mechanism to save a complete record of messages and
>>function output). And on a similar vein, wouldn't it also be nice if R
>>automatically entered a date stamp into the history file??
>>Dr. Duncan Mackay
>>School of Biological Sciences
>>Flinders University
>>GPO Box 2100
>>S.A.    5001
>>Ph (08) 8201 2627    FAX (08) 8201 3015
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Kjetil Halvorsen.

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