[R] sbrier (Brier score) and coxph

Stephen Henderson s.henderson at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 22:51:11 CEST 2005

I've decided to try and distill an earlier rather ill focused question to
try and elicit a response. Any help is greatly appreciated. Why does mod.cox
not work with sbrier whilst mod.km does? Can I make it work?

> data(DLBCL)
> DLBCL.surv<-Surv(DLBCL$time,DLBCL$cens)
> mod.km<-survfit(DLBCL.surv)
> mod.cox<-survfit(coxph(DLBCL.surv~IPI, data=DLBCL))
> sbrier(DLBCL.surv, mod.km)
integrated Brier score 
[1]   1.3 129.9
> sbrier(DLBCL.surv, mod.cox)
Error in switch(ptype, survfit = { : switch: EXPR must return a length 1

Thanks in advance
Stephen Henderson

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