[R] comment in src/nmath/dgamma.c

Faheem Mitha faheem at email.unc.edu
Sun Jun 26 00:06:30 CEST 2005


In src/nmath/dgamma.c the comment at the top says

  *   Computes the density of the gamma distribution,
  *                   1/s (x/s)^{a-1} exp(-x/s)
  *        p(x;a,s) = -----------------------
  *                            (a-1)!
  *   where `s' is the scale (= 1/lambda in other parametrizations)
  *     and `a' is the shape parameter ( = alpha in other contexts).

Maybe I'm missing something, but shouldn't the denominator be Gamma(a) 
(since a is not necessarily an integer)?


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