[R] how to get such crosstable?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at mednetstudy.com
Thu Jun 23 21:23:33 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 23:22 +0800, ronggui wrote:
> i use the CrossTable (frome gregmic package) function to get such a
> table as below.
> but the percentage of the non-NA levels(here 1,2,3,4,5) is not totally
> 100%.
> is there any way to get a table that percentage of  the non-NA
> levelsis totally 100%,as the SPSS' valid percentage.thank you!
>    Cell Contents
> |-------------------------|
> |                   Count |
> |             Row Percent |
> |-------------------------|
> Total Observations in Table:  650 
>           |        1  |        2  |        3  |        4  |        5
> | 
> |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
>           |      169  |      294  |      151  |       31  |        5
> | 
>           |    0.260% |    0.452% |    0.232% |    0.048% |    0.008%
> | 
> |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
> Number of Missing Observations: 4 (0.6116208%)

I may be misunderstanding what you are referring to, but I am guessing
that it is that the output is showing proportions, even thought the "%"
symbol is there?

I am not familiar with SPSS' output (Dirk Enzmann contributed the SPSS
output format code to CrossTable), but a quick look suggests that it
works properly in a 2d table, but there is a bug when the object to be
tabulated is 1d, in that the multiplication by 100 is not done in the
SPSS output sub-function.

The ability to tabulate a 1d object was added independent of Dirk's
code, so it looks as if this was missed.

If correct, I can review that and include that as an update, along with
the prior modification to Greg and Nitin.


Marc Schwartz

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