[R] how to count "associated" factors?

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at merck.com
Tue Jun 21 14:50:55 CEST 2005

table() is your friend:

> X <- factor(scan(what=""))
1: A B B C A C B A C C
Read 10 items
> Y <- factor(scan(what=""))
1: B B C C C A A A B B
Read 10 items
> table(X)
A B C 
3 3 4 
> table(X, Y)
X   A B C
  A 1 1 1
  B 1 1 1
  C 1 2 1


> From: zhihua li
> hi netters
> Suppose I have a factor X, with 10 elements and 3 levels: A B 
> B C A C B A C 
> C .
> It is easy to count the number of elements for each level: 
> tapply(X,X,length).
> Now I have another factor Y, which formed a matrix with X:
>  X| A B B C A C B A C C
>  Y| B B C C C A A A B B
> I wanna count the number of elements for each of these 
> conditions: when X=A 
> and Y=A; when X=A and Y=B; when X=A and Y=C; when X=B and 
> Y=A; when X=B and 
> Y=B; when X=B and Y=C; when X=C and Y=A; when X=C and Y=B; 
> when X=C and 
> Y=C.
> The code I have written for this task is too complicated, 
> involving a lot 
> of for loops and if conditions. I believe there's some nice 
> code that can 
> do it far more efficiently. Can anyone give me a hint?
> Thanks a lot!

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