[R] coding to generate a matrix to prepare for chi-sqr test for text mining

Weiwei Shi helprhelp at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 23:10:27 CEST 2005

Hi, there:
I have a dataset like the following:


The first column is always id_num, the last one is class label. I want
to do some chi-square test on the dependency between a word (or
further a word combination) on the class label.

for example, my goal is to build a table like the following, ready for
chi-square test
                      ACCID (Yes)                 ACCID(No)
class label
         1                  10                                15
         0                    5                                 9
the number is the number of lines (observations).
and later I want to do word-combination like ACCID & WINDOW (this
result was generated from association analysis from my another
program) instead of ACCID only.

My first question is, how to do it automatically in R to build a data
structure (data frame) to represent the table above for each word)
since I am learning R programming and I don't want to do it using
python.  (Don't worry if a word appears twice in one observation, and
I have another version of data set which only lists unique word.)

My target is to find a p-value for each word/class label from
chi-square test and evaluate the significance of feature for later
text mining. I am not sure if this is a good idea and I am reading
some papers on this.


Weiwei Shi, Ph.D

"Did you always know?"
"No, I did not. But I believed..."
---Matrix III

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