[R] cannot coerce class "matchit" into a data.frame"

Piccone, Jason E. Jason.Piccone at dce.virginia.gov
Wed Jun 15 19:15:59 CEST 2005

Greetings fellow humans,

I am attempting to export a text file after using the MatchIt package to match control with treatment subjects.  I attempted to write.table and used the following syntax:

"write.table(social,"shaka.txt",sep=" ",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names= FALSE)"

But received the following error message: 
"Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class "matchit" into a data.frame"

I thought that maybe I had to convert to a data frame, and tinkered with data.frame, as.data.frame, and is.data.frame, but this didn't work (although I could had done it improperly). Please pardon my novice R skills.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.  


Jason E. Piccone, Ph.D.
Research and Evaluation Specialist
Department of Correctional Education

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