[R] Setting environment variables (installation problem)

Thomas Unternaehrer uth at zhwin.ch
Wed Jun 15 12:08:39 CEST 2005

Dear All,

Is it possible under WinXP to set the R binary path (...\R\bin)
as an environment variable during installation?

The problem is that I've written a program that needs to know the path
of Rterm.exe during installation.
At the moment the user can't choose the R installation path 
("/DIR={pf}\\R /SILENT").

If I would know where the user install R the InnoSetup part would be 
really simple:
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session 
Manager\Environment"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "PATH"; ValueData: 
(or something like that)

(R-FAQ for Windows)
The R-FAQ#2.5 tells me that I'm able to specify the path where R will be 
installed but nothing about the environment variable.
And the R-FAQ#2.16 is not what I need.

Duncan Murdoch wrote 
(http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/07/1272.html) that it is not 
recommended to edit the R.iss manually and it seems to me to hard to 
edit the makefiles for my problem.

An other possibility seems to be to read and edit the 
HKLM\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath registry entry, but is there no 
easier way to do that?

Thanks for any hints (and sorry for my english).


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