[R] gc() and gc trigger

Pavel Khomski pkhomski at wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Fri Jun 10 19:00:56 CEST 2005


the question concerning to the memory used and g.c. after having removed 
objects.  What is wrong?


 > gc()
                   used   (Mb)     gc trigger       (Mb)     max 
used      (Mb)
Ncells   313142     8.4         1801024         48.1       1835812      
Vcells    809238     6.2     142909728   1090.4   178426948   1361.3

hier  all  attached objects  detached and other  no more used ones  
removed; also the objects which could change their size (like 
.Traceback) are checked; nothing unusual


 >  for (i in 1:30) gc()
 >  gc()
                      used    (Mb)     gc trigger      (Mb)      max 
used      (Mb)
Ncells     313149        8.4       1152655       30.8          1835812   
Vcells      809261        6.2       3218039       19.7     178426948   

 > object.size(mget(ls(all=T),envir=.GlobalEnv)) / 1024^2
[1] 9.829926

N.B.!!! the "max used "  is not put back

 > q()

after having restarted R-prozess

 > gc()
                   used    (Mb)      gc trigger   (Mb)     max used      
Ncells  302497        8.1           467875    12.5          350000       
Vcells   785346        6.0         1193335      9.2           
923612        7.1

thnks for hint

ps: some more understandable information about how R manages the memory 
and to the output of gc(), specially about  gc trigger would be helpful

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