[R] Porting Matlab code to R

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jun 7 08:54:24 CEST 2005

Peter.Watkins at foodscience.afisc.csiro.au wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking at porting code written for Matlab to R. 
> However, I don't have sufficient knowledge of Matlab to know whether
> it's feasible or appropriate.
> If there is anyone who has any experience in this and could provide some
> advice, I'd be grateful.
> TIA, Peter

I guess this depends on what the Matlab code is for and what it does, 
whether it uses any commercial toolboxes etc.

I recently ported some Matlab code fairly easily, with the exception of 
the parts of the Matlab code requiring a toolbox I didn't have access to.

You might find Rob Hankin's R and Octave contributed document, which 
lists many Octave (Matlab) functions and their R equivalents:


I found this very helpful.



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