[R] R Graph Gallery : categorization of the graphs

David Forrest drf5n at maplepark.com
Mon Jun 6 22:47:40 CEST 2005

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Dan Bolser wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Romain Francois wrote:
> >It seems that the next improvement to the R Graph Gallery is
> >categorization of the graphics, that way each graph will be easier to
> >find. That step should be done *carefully* if we want to avoid the
> >opposite side-effect : graph not reachable through the categories.
> I would humbly suggest that the underlying data (graphs/categories/etc) be
> organized in such a way as to allow multiple categorizations. That way
> there could be any number of different categorizations applied to the same
> graphs, as one overall categorization may reflect only one particular
> viewpoint.

Heartily seconded!

> This way the chosen categories (however you decide to choose) would not be
> set in stone, but would be intimatly flexible.
> Also a single graph should be allowed to occur under multiple categories
> of a particular categorization.

An example of non-hierarchical categorization is the
keyword-categorization method used by Wikis.  See
http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?CategoryCategory for an example.

If a graph could be in multiple categories (3d, social science, color,
publication ready/published) it could be identified with multiple keywords
and dynamically listed in each of the sub-galleries.

 Dr. David Forrest
 drf at vims.edu                                    (804)684-7900w
 drf5n at maplepark.com                             (804)642-0662h

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