[R] x11 and pseudo-color

joerg van den hoff j.van_den_hoff at fz-rossendorf.de
Wed Jun 1 10:18:55 CEST 2005

for some reason the following message seems not to have reached the list 
  in the first try, at least I can't find it. my apologies if this is my 

we are running R under Solaris with SunRay Terminals, which are set to 8
bit color to comply with some other software. In this configuration,
X11() opens with colortype=true, i.e., it is not recognized that
actually the display is only 8 bit. This leads to error messages
(advising to use 'pseudo.cube').

question 1: is X11() supposed to recognize  the actual color
capabilities? i.e. is this a bug?

question 2: is there a possibility to query the color capabilities from
within R in order to being able to open the X11() displays always (for
true color as well as for 8 bit) with the correct colortype setting from
within a function?


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