[R] shlib compilation problem

Petra Wallem pwallem at bio.puc.cl
Sun Jul 31 17:51:56 CEST 2005

Hello everybody

I am having the following problem intalling a packages on R 2.1.0 on OS.
Suse 9.1
Using the command "R CMD" I get following error message
.../SHLIB/: line 1: make: command not found ERROR: compliation failed
for package 'vegan'

Any help on why the make command is not found? 
Thanks a lot
Petra Wallem
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en EcologÃ­a & Biodiversidad (CASEB)
Departamento de EcologÃ­a
Facultad de Ciencias BiolÃ³gicas
Pontificia Universidad CatÃ³lica de Chile
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins # 340
Casilla 114-D

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