[R] trellis graphics/ trellis.par.set()

McClatchie, Sam (PIRSA-SARDI) mcclatchie.sam at saugov.sa.gov.au
Wed Jul 27 04:07:37 CEST 2005

OS: Linux Mandrake 10.1
release: R 2.0.0
editor: GNU Emacs 21.3.2
front-end: ESS 5.2.3

I want to increase the size of the axis markings and labels on some trellis
graphs, and I am having some trouble with trellis.par.set()

trellis.par.set(par.xlab.text.cex = list(cex=1.5))

is not quite right, and having read the documentation, I wonder if anyone
help me get the graphical parameter right?


Best fishes

Sam McClatchie,
Biological oceanography 
South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre
PO Box 120, Henley Beach 5022
Adelaide, South Australia
email <mcclatchie.sam at saugov.sa.gov.au>
Telephone: (61-8) 8207 5448
FAX: (61-8) 8207 5481
Research home page <http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~s.mcclatchie/>
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