[R] order of panels in xyplot

rrendas@cox.net rrendas at cox.net
Mon Jul 25 18:02:00 CEST 2005

I'm having trouble with the order of the panels using xyplot.  I had used this bit of code before and received the desired plot (the code was not identical, but very similar; perhaps more importantly I was working with an older version of R) .  Now the panels appear right to left instead of left to right, as it says in the help files, which is what I would like. Does anyone know if this has been changed?  OR has anybody encountered this problem and a way of fixing it?

Below is the code I'm using (ctry_pfi and v291 are factors, with 16 and 2 levels, respectively)):

superpose.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line") 
superpose.line$lwd <- 3 
superpose.line$lty <- c(1,2)
trellis.par.set("superpose.line", superpose.line) 

trellis.par.set(list(background = list(col = "white"))) 

xyplot(pfi~age|ctry_pfi,groups= v291,data=pfi,
	panel=panel.superpose, type=c("n", "smooth"),
	span=.75, as.table=F, col=c(4,2), lwd=2, lty=c(1,2),
	xlab = 'Age', ylab='Progressive Feminism Index (PFI)',
        xlim=c(10, 100), ylim=c(10,25),
        key = list(lines = Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.line"), c(14, 5)),
		lwd=3, lty=c(2,1), text = list(lab = c('Women', 'Men')),
                space="bottom", border=T, columns=2))

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