[R] Question about 'text' (add lm summary to a plot)

Dan Bolser dmb at mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk
Sat Jul 23 17:21:41 CEST 2005

On Sat, 23 Jul 2005, Dan Bolser wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Marc Schwartz (via MN) wrote:
>>Ok guys,
>>So I played around with this a bit, going back to Dan's original
>>requirements and using Thomas' do.call() approach with legend(). Gabor's
>>approach using sapply() will also work here. I have the following:
>># Note the leading spaces here for alignment in the table
>># This could be automated with formatC() or sprintf()
>>my.slope.1 <-  "  3.22"
>>my.slope.2 <-  "0.13"
>>my.inter.1 <-  "-10.66"
>>my.inter.2 <-  "1.96"
>>my.Rsqua <-    "  0.97"
>>L <- list("Intercept:",
>>          "Slope:",
>>          bquote(paste(R^2, ":")),
>>          bquote(.(my.inter.1) %+-% .(my.inter.2)),
>>          bquote(.(my.slope.1) %+-% .(my.slope.2)),
>>          bquote(.(my.Rsqua)))
>>par(family = "mono")
>>legend("topleft", legend = do.call("expression", L), ncol = 2)
>>Note however, that while using the mono font helps with vertical
>>alignment of numbers, the +/- sign still comes out in the default font,
>>which is bold[er] than the text.
>>If one uses the default font, which is variable spaced, it is
>>problematic to get the proper alignment for the numbers. I even tried
>>using phantom(), but that didn't quite get it, since the spacing is
>>variable, as opposed to LaTeX's mono numeric spacing with default fonts.
>>Also, note that I am only using two columns, rather than three, since
>>trying to place the ":" as a middle column results in spacing that is
>>too wide, given that the text.width argument is a scalar and is set to
>>the maximum width of the character vectors.
>>Note also that even with mono spaced fonts, the exponent in R^2 is still
>>horizontally smaller than the other characters. Thus, spacing on that
>>line may also be affected depending upon what else one might attempt.
>>Not sure where else to go from here.
>Ahhhhhh... So lovely! Thank you all so much!
>I made a couple of tweeks to improve the overall appearance, using
>"x.intersp = 0.1" tightens up the overall appearance, and using
>"pch=c('','','',':',':',':')" adds the (aligned!) colons.
>Here is the beauty...
>my.slope.1 <-  "   3.22"
>my.slope.2 <-  "0.13"
>my.inter.1 <-  " -10.66"
>my.inter.2 <-  "1.96"
>my.Rsqua <-    "   0.97"
>L <- list("Intercept",
>          "Slope    ",
>          bquote(paste(R^2)),
>          bquote(.(my.inter.1) %+-% .(my.inter.2)),
>          bquote(.(my.slope.1) %+-% .(my.slope.2)),
>          bquote(.(my.Rsqua)))
>par(family = "mono")
>legend("topleft", #inset=-1,
>       legend = do.call("expression", L),
>       bg='white',
>       ncol = 2,
>       pch=c('','','',':',':',':'),
>       x.intersp = 0.1,
>       title="Yay! Thank You!"
>       )
>However (the final gripe ;) it seems 'inset=' dosn't work. Setting this to
>anything (including the default) seems to surpress the legend without
>error. But hey!


Error in strwidth(legend, units = "user", cex = cex) :
        family mono not included in PostScript device
Execution halted

>Thanks again,
>>Marc Schwartz
>>On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 14:01 -0400, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> You are right.   One would have to use do.call as you did
>>> or the sapply method of one of my previous posts:
>>> a <- 7
>>> plot(1)
>>> L <- list(bquote(alpha==.(a)),bquote(alpha^2+1==.(a^2+1)))
>>> legend("topleft",legend=sapply(L, as.expression))
>>> On 7/22/05, Thomas Lumley <tlumley at u.washington.edu> wrote:
>>> > On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > I think legend accepts a list argument directly so that could be
>>> > > simplified to just:
>>> > >
>>> > >  a<-7
>>> > >  plot(1)
>>> > >  L <- list(bquote(alpha==.(a)),bquote(alpha^2+1==.(a^2+1)))
>>> > >  legend("topleft",legend=L)
>>> > 
>>> > Except that it wouldn't then work: the mathematical stuff comes out as
>>> > text.
>>> > 
>>> > > The same comment seems to apply to my prior suggestion about
>>> > > as.expression(bquote(...)), namely that one can just write the
>>> > > following as text also supports a list argument:
>>> > 
>>> > And this doesn't work either: you end up with %+-% rather than the
>>> > plus-or-minus symbol.
>>> > 
>>> > The reason I gave the do.call() version is that I had tried these simpler
>>> > versions and they didn't work.
>>> > 
>>> >        -thomas
>>> > 
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