[R] Rd.sty, Sweave, tex4ht

Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr paulojus at est.ufpr.br
Wed Jul 13 16:03:21 CEST 2005

I'm using Sweave with tex4th to generate xhtml documents
However there seems to be a problem with \Link defined in
Rd.sty, since this is also defined in tex4ht.sty

My workaround was to replace the lines with
\newcommand{\Link} by \providecommand{\Link}
in Rd.sty

I'm therefore wondering whether this is the best solution, and if so
whether this could be changed in the original Rd.sty shipped with R.
A possible inconvenient is that \providecommand seems to be specific to
LaTeX and apparently does not work with TeX


Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
LEG (Laboratório de Estatística e Geoinformação)
Departamento de Estatística
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Caixa Postal 19.081
CEP 81.531-990
Curitiba, PR  -  Brasil
Tel: (+55) 41 3361 3573
Fax: (+55) 41 3361 3141
e-mail: paulojus at est.ufpr.br

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