[R] High resolution plots

Knut Krueger admin at biostatistic.de
Tue Jul 12 12:43:13 CEST 2005

Sorry i sent the answer not to the mailing list - here it is

Brian D Ripley schrieb:

>On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Knut Krueger wrote:
>>Prof Brian Ripley schrieb:
>>>Please read carefully what `resolution' means for a png() device (and a
>>>PNG file).  It is a hint to the viewer in the file header (often ignored),
>>>as described in the R help file.
>>>On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Knut Krueger wrote:
>>>>Is there any possibility to get high resolution plots in a windows xp
>>>>I tried it with the device function png(filename =
>>>>"c:/r/highresplot%d.png",pointsize=12, res=900)
>>>>but when I try to set: width = 480, height = 480 or   pointsize = 12,
>>>>the text is not scaled in the same way as the plots.
Ok first:
I do not want anybody to get angry and I am the first time in this group.
I will make any mistakes like sending you your own help file and I
apologize in advance for those mistakes.

>Not if you just include those arguments or not.  Yes if you include
>res=900 or not, but that is not what you said.
I tried to include res=600 and res=300 there was no difference in the
file, both size was 4kb  480*480 Pixel and 150 dpi
png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 480, height =
480,pointsize=12, res=300)
png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 480, height =
480,pointsize=12, res=600)

second attempt was to increase width = 480, height = 480 to width = 960,
height = 960

png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 960, height =
960,pointsize=12, res=600)
png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 480, height =
480,pointsize=12, res=300)

both is the file size 8kb either with res=300 or res=600
double file size with double size of the device that's what i expected.

The letters are nearly unreadable because they are very small - ok
png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 480, height =
480,pointsize=24, res=300)
Letters are in the same size as
png(filename = "c:/r/highresplot%d.png",width = 480, height =
480,pointsize=12, res=300)
also that's what I expected, but the quality of the characters is as bad
as when I would extract the plot with any graphic application
and the small lines from boxplots are sometimes visible sometimes not.

>Why aer you sending me a help file I wrote, one which you seem to be
>unable to understand?  I am not the one failing to notice what it says.

But maybe you are right that I am not understanding the help file, but
I hope that clarifies my problems and my mistakes

with regards
Knut Krueger

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