[R] R on kubuntu

Hans Gardfjell hans.gardfjell at emg.umu.se
Mon Jul 11 23:57:18 CEST 2005

Dear R users,

It's possible to install newer versions of R from the Ubuntu depositories,
but the new version of R can only be found in 'breezy', the 'unstable'
version of Ubuntu. You can however create a mixed system with most of your packages
from the old 'hoary' and only some (like R) from the unstable 'breezy' by using the
pinning mechanism in apt-get. Check out the instructions on pinning in the
Ubuntu wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto?highlight=%28apt-get+-t%29

In short it works like this:

1. Put in links to other depositories in /etc/apt/sources.list
2. Set the pinning priorities in /etc/apt/preferences
3. Install newer R-base with "apt-get -t breezy install r-base"


Hans Gardfjell
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University, Sweden

 >Hello all,
 >I am planning to redeploy my workstation under KUBUNTU.
 >Does any body has any r experience installing/using r on this platform?
 >Best regards.
 >Constant Depièreux
 >Managing Director
 >Applied QUality Technologies Europe sprl
 >Rue des Déportés 123, B-4800 Verviers
 >(Tel) +32 87 292175 - (Fax) +32 87 292171 - (Mobile) +32 475 555 818
 >(Web) http://www.aqte.be - (Courriel) constant.depiereux at aqte.be 
 >(Skype) cdepiereux

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