[R] lagged scatterplot within rows

Jindan Zhou statistician at jindan.homedns.org
Sat Jan 29 09:42:33 CET 2005

Suppose the data is organized in a 10 by 10 matrix, each row is named R1
through R10, and each column is named C1 through C10, I need to do a
lagged scatterplot, for lag h = 1, 2, ..., the pairs will be chosen only
within all rows, i.e. the lags do not span across rows. What is the nicest
solution for the problem? Some tricks from lag.plot()?

Thanks for helping!

Industrial Engineering
The University of Oklahoma

p.s.Just for your information, exactly I am trying to reproduce plots in
Isaaks E. H. and Srivastava R. M. (1989). An introduction to applied geostatistics.

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