[R] Empirical cumulative distribution with censored data

Marco Chiarandini machud at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Sun Jan 16 21:22:33 CET 2005

Dear list,

I would like to plot the empirical cumulative distribution of the time 
needed by a treatment to attain a certain goal. A number of 
experiments is run with a strict time limit. In some experiments the 
goal is attained before the time limit, in other experiments time 
expires before the goal is attained. The situation is very similar to 
survivial analysis with censored data. I tryed the function:


from the package "survival". Nevertheless, what i would like to see is 
an increase of probability as time increases, and not a decrease of 
survival probabilty. I tried to play with ecdf(), but dealing with the 
censored data is quite hard-working in this case.

Is there anything for censored data in ecdf like-functions or a way to 
adapt plot.survfit to my case?

Thank you for consideration,


Marco Chiarandini,
Fachgebiet Intellektik, Fachbereich Informatik,
Technische Universität Darmstadt

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