[R] R package classification

Jonathan Baron baron at psych.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 14 18:58:03 CET 2005

I worry about this proposal because of the following example.
One of the packages I use a lot (because it solves a problem I've 
been mulling for 10 years about how to test individual subjects)
is multtest.  That is part of Bioconductor, and the original
purpose of it was (apparently) for DNA stuff.  I doubt I ever
would have thought to look there.

That said, I actually found it by using my own search engine and
looking for "multiple tests" or something like that.  So I guess
this proposal isn't so bad, so long as people know about search.


On 01/14/05 18:08, Achim Zeileis wrote:
 We are currently playing around with a concept of "task views" for CRAN.
 The idea is that there are maintained "views" on CRAN that highlight which
 CRAN packages are useful for, say, biostats, econometrics, machine
 learning, etc. So there should be a web page giving a summary and a
 package list that could also be queried for automatic package

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Home page: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~baron
R search page: http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/

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