[R] Installing R on Xandros 3.0

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Thu Jan 13 23:25:04 CET 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 17:06 -0500, Liaw, Andy wrote:
> If I have to guess, `desktop Linux' such as Xandros do not come with
> compilers and other development tools, so compiling from source will be a
> bit of a challenge.  I recall having played with Corel Linux during its
> rather short lifetime (also Debian based), and was horrified to find it
> lacking GCC.  Apparently people who make up such distros have the same view
> as Mr. Gates that compilers need not be part of a desktop OS.
> (If I'm not mistaken, Unbuntu has the same problem.  However, apt-get is
> _really_ easy...)


Ubuntu does include devel tools on the main CD:


While the install CD is of course limited due to space, there are a lot
of packages that are available via repositories.

My general sense of Ubuntu is that it is a something of an attempt to
parallel the aggressive release schedule of Fedora utilizing the Debian
'sid' framework.

A general overview of the relationship between Debian and Ubuntu is




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