[R] autoscaling plot font size in Sweave output possible?

Patrick Drechsler patrick.drechsler at gmx.net
Thu Jan 6 23:56:31 CET 2005


I was wondering if it's possible to have fonts in plots to be
autoscaled to the same font size used by LaTeX in a surrounding
Sweave document.

Here's a short example in which the fonts of the first plot are
barely readable:


\newcommand{\mytext}{Some normal sized text. Some normal sized
  text. Some normal sized text. Some normal sized text.}



%% small plot:
x <- 1:10
y <- sin(x)
     xlab="some x label",
     ylab="some y label"
@ %def 

\par\mytext \mytext 

%% normal sized plot:
     xlab="some x label",
     ylab="some y label"
@ %def 



Do I have to tweak the font size manually (as dicussed f.ex. in
[1] a while back) or is there a more general way to avoid this

Thankful for any pointers,


,----[ R version: ]
| platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
| arch     i686             
| os       linux-gnu        
| system   i686, linux-gnu  
| status                    
| major    2                
| minor    0.0              
| year     2004             
| month    10               
| day      04               
| language R    

[1] <URL:http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.r.general/20304>

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themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
		-- Susan Ertz

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