[R] problems with nonlinear fits using nls
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 23 18:29:15 CET 2005
Corey Bradshaw wrote:
> Hello colleagues,
> I am attempting to determine the nonlinear least-squares estimates of
> the nonlinear model parameters using nls. I have come across a common
> problem that R users have reported when I attempt to fit a particular
> 3-parameter nonlinear function to my dataset:
> Error in nls(r ~ tlm(a, N.fix, k, theta), data = tlm.data, start =
> list(a = a.st, :
> step factor 0.000488281 reduced below `minFactor' of 0.000976563
> Despite modifying minFactor using nls.control, I am unable to counter
> the apparent singularity in the model fit. I have also tried changing
> the tolerance and start parameter values to no avail. If anyone can
> provide a relatively simple solution (perhaps adjusting the gradient,
> but I'm not sure how to do this), I would be most appreciative. My
> dataset is:
> r N.fix
> 1 -0.52407085 76
> 2 0.10536052 45
> 3 -0.17435339 50
> 4 0.19415601 42
> 5 0.48701498 51
> 6 -0.50681760 83
> 7 -0.17435339 50
> 8 0.55278982 42
> 9 0.15219182 73
> 10 0.49899117 85
> 11 0.10821358 140
> 12 -0.83034830 156
> 13 -0.30748470 68
> 14 -0.22314355 50
> 15 0.04879016 40
> 16 -0.04879016 42
> 17 0.75377180 40
> 18 -0.12516314 85
> 19 -0.36624439 75
> My function is:
> tlm <- function(a,N,k,theta) (a*(1-((N/k)^theta)))
> The nls fit I've coded is:
> tlm.fit <- try(nls(r~tlm(a,N.fix,k,theta), data=tlm.data,
> start=list(a=a.st,k=k.st,theta=1),
> trace=TRUE,
> control=nls.control(maxiter=6000,tol=1e-05,minFactor=1/1024)))
> I'm using start values parsed in from another (previous, but not shown)
> model fit. In this case,
> [1] 0.3812922
> [1] 64.66529
> I happen to know the true values for the optimised parameters (from
> another application), but I can't get nls to reproduce them. They are:
> a = 2.0466
> k = 60.8275
> theta = 0.2277
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Corey Bradshaw
It is possible to fit this model to these data using nls as shown in the
enclosed transcript. You have one conditionally linear parameter ('a')
in the model so I used the plinear algorithm and I also generated
analytic derivatives for the tls function using the deriv function.
There are several things to note:
- Your data are very noisy. It is not surprising that it is difficult
to fit a 3-parameter nonlinear model to such data.
- The fitted model has negative values for both 'a' and 'theta'.
- The estimates are highly imprecise.
> summary(fm1)
Formula: r ~ tlm(N.fix, k, theta)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
k 49.0724 6.9153 7.096 2.53e-06
theta -4.6676 5.1805 -0.901 0.381
.lin -0.2333 0.1685 -1.385 0.185
Residual standard error: 0.3662 on 16 degrees of freedom
Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
k theta
theta 0.8353
.lin -0.3458 -0.7104
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